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Members Full Moon online event with Luzi Pods

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An introduction to self-pleasure

5th of March (Full Moon)

3pm EDT, 7pm GMT, 8pm CET

Every full moon, we honour the ancient ways of coming together as women, and using the gentle pull of the Full Moon to set intentions for our lives and the world around us.

In March, our Full Moon Live activation will be guided by Luzi Pods, a Somatic Sexologist dedicating her work to the power of self-pleasure as a transformative tool for embodied self-love, creativity and magic.

Members join for free. Access under the “Live Sessions” section.

“Self-pleasure is a powerful tool to come home to yourself. To shower yourself with love and care. To source your sexual power from within (instead of projecting it onto another) and filling your own cup.

A woman who is connected to her erotic spark is a soft, powerful and radiant woman who lights up the room. She can hold and nourish herself while being open to connection. She is intimately connected to herself, her body and the earth.

The practice of Self Pleasure supports you to get out of your head and into your body. It’s not enough to study and understand your sexual blocks - you need to travel beyond the mind into the unconscious. Through embodied Self Pleasure you will create new habits and neural pathways to transform the connection to yourself and your sexuality.

Pleasure is a somatic-emotional experience which happens in your own body. Through the practice of Self Pleasure you learn to cultivate your turn-on from within.

On the way of opening your body to experience more pleasure you will likely encounter discomfort. You might get bored, distracted or find excuses why you can’t be with your body. This is normal. If you are ready to lean in, you might encounter shame, grief or rage. You might meet numbness or pain - all the parts you’d rather not feel.

The path to becoming open, receptive, juicy and orgasmic is paved with all the parts you have suppressed. Feeling them is part of inhabiting your body, integrating your sexuality, and reclaiming your natural erotic power.”

-Luzi Pods

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