Why Feel?

Taboo, shame, oppression and lack of healthy education shroud the topic of sexuality, especially for women. Most of us have become disconnected from the full potential of our own bodies and energy, and one-third of us women have experienced the horror of sexual trauma.

The stress and demands of modern life only amplify this disconnection, causing us to feel numb, distant from our bodies, and estranged from our natural instincts.

Through our platform and community, we aim to dispel the myths, misconceptions, and shame surrounding sensuality, intimacy and sexual energy. We believe that education and personal practice has the power to liberate us from the shackles of societal conditioning.

To help women find trusted information and guidance, we are gathering leading educators and facilitators, wise souls who have dedicated their lives to unraveling the mysteries of pleasure, intimacy, and feminine power. Their knowledge, wisdom, and transformative practices are shared within our nurturing community.

What is Feel?

We are growing a trusted platform for women to learn all about and practice sexual energy and intimacy.

For our community, we provide a curated safe space where women can access a unique collection of educational and practical resources, workshops, and guided meditations all co-created with the leading experts and backed by the latest findings in neuroscience.

we offer

  • like-minded women

    community of like-minded women

    women from all over the world connect in our online space to learn from each other and share their intimate stories.

  • guided meditations and practices

    guided meditations and practices

    members can access meditations, practices and rituals created by our experts - designed to help you activate your sexual and feminine energy.

  • feel events and workshops

    events and workshops

    we host in-person and online workshops and events to gather together and practice with our experts! Some events are open to people of all genders.

Meet the founder

Mariya Grinina is a certified embodiment facilitator and tech entrepreneur. She has been on a transformative journey of healing and personal growth through the exploration of sexual energy for over 10 years. Her journey began with sexual trauma, an experience shared by approximately one-third of women worldwide.

On her path to healing, Mariya discovered the profound influence sexuality has on every aspect of life - from confidence to relationships to agency over and connection to one’s body. She has sought guidance from practitioners in the field and has delved into ancient wisdom such as tantra, somatic therapy, and modern sex therapy to expand her knowledge. In 2022, she launched Feel with the mission of providing women with a supportive community and direct access to the knowledge of these experts.

why women?

Feel is on a mission to empower people to (re)connect with their sacred sexual energy, and as a result, thrive in life. We are starting our work with women, as we recognize that women have been suffering from the taboo and lack of education surrounding sexuality, leading to a lack of understanding of their own bodies, lower confidence, and unrealised potential of what they can actually achieve in life

Feminine energy is the one responsible for nurturing, piece-making, and creating space for change and growth. By assisting women in embracing their own power, we aim to catalyze a ripple effect that will ultimately drive positive change for humanity as a whole, beginning with the individual woman herself.